Sometimes, good people make bad decisions. Victor’s father
from “Because my Father Always Said He Was the Only Indian who Saw Jimi Hendrix
Play ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ at Woodstock”, however, just seemed to make a
lot of them. Some may conclude that he is just a bad person. After all, he
“beat the shit out of [a] National Guard private” (Alexie 25), was always out
late at night drinking, would leave his family to ride his motorcycle for days
on end, and eventually “left [his wife] to finish raising [their son] all by
herself” (Alexie 34). So is Daddy Dearest a bad man or just a good man
occasionally bad at being good? Victor’s father’s major flaw was that he is
selfish, and we all know the selfishness and being a “family man” don’t mix. It
is not that he didn’t love his family, but just that he was ignorant to the
consequences that others would have to face for his actions. He was also a hero
to his son, as he had many admirable traits. Where he lacked consideration, he
thrived in passion and adventure. Victor’s father is not a bad man. He may not
be the ideal father…well actually not even the ideal member of society, but
there is always something you can learn from anybody.
"Yolo is my motto" |